How much English does a foreign cook require to work in Canada?

May 24, 2024

Written by Yvanna Sol

If you are a cook or a chef and you want to work in this field in Canada without so many delays and obstacles, then start with the beginning of any job search: write a good CV! In this case, in Canadian style and not in Spanish or Portuguese, nor in Chinese or Japanese, your CV or resume must be in English! your potential employer will require it and you will appreciate it.

This article corresponds to the series of our blog dedicated to the level of English for foreign professionals when looking for a job in Canada and their respective score on the CLB scale (Canadian Language Benchmark), which the country uses to establish unified equivalencies in the results of language tests. With this topic, Planeta Immiland seeks to guide you in order to help you to improve your English level in terms of the economic migratory panorama that can bring you closer to your goal of living in Canada, even opting for permanent residency; how, join me in this reading and discover how to take advantage of your English level.

Why a CV in English if the function of a cook is to prepare food?

Although a cook in Canada will be dedicated to the preparation of a delicious recipe and for this it is not necessary to converse too much with anyone, to apply for this position, as for any other, you must use the official language of the country, which in this case is double, since in Canada English and/or French are spoken officially, then, it is required to demonstrate linguistic skills that ensure the greatest possible adaptability to the daily work environment, since the cook still has to communicate with colleagues, customers and supervisors at some point in their day. If the province where you get the job is Quebec, the language of your CV will most likely be French. 

The profession in Canada does not exclude you from speaking the Canadian language, therefore, even if you are in a remote kitchen in the least known and multicultural restaurant in Canada, your CV must be in well-written English and, beware of this point, it is not favorable to translate your CV with Google translator or similar, remember that robots work automatically and everything that is in Spanish will be translated into English without discriminating whether it is your first name or your last name. Remember that the CV is your first letter of introduction.

At Immiland, we have developed extensive information on how to develop a good Canadian-style resume, learn more here. We also offer the service of resume writing service for employment purposes..

What level of CLB English must a cook have to work in Canada?

To work as a cook in Canada, at least an intermediate level of English or French is required. Depending on the program for which you are applying or the position and its duties, a CLB 5 level is quite acceptable, which corresponds to an IELTS of approximately 5.0. 

Perhaps the candidate for the position is an assistant cook and will have less work demands than a chef, whose studies are more advanced, therefore, the English requirements would be higher, however, Planeta Immiland always recommends a score of at least CLB 7, which corresponds to a General IELTS score of 6.0, since this level will make him/her a more interesting candidate. Everything will depend on the immigration route, for example, for the Express Entry, the ideal is CLB 7, since the competition with other cooks who speak English and have work experience is tighter, and for a provincial nomination, even more ideal, since many times the English they ask for is lower, but your score will be well above the minimum requirement. See the official CLB equivalency table with the different language tests passed here.

It is important that you check the specific requirements of the program or province you wish to apply to, as these may vary and also keep in mind that provincial nominations also work on points and the higher your score, the more chances you have of being selected. Planeta Immiland always recommends to bet on advanced English for immigrants, that is why we recently designed a leveling course to reach the CLB according to the job position our students aspire to. Learn more here.

What language tests must a cook submit to prove his/her level of English in Canada?

To evaluate the level of English, the most commonly accepted certification is the IELTS (International English Language System) test. This test evaluates your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and the final result is expressed on a scale from 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest level.

The intermediate IELTS score of 5.0 certifies you as a basic English language user. basic English language user and the average score of 7.0 as a good user. good user. In general, jobs for which an intermediate level of English is required include, precisely, positions such as cook, chef, waiter, chauffeur or delivery driver.

Also, there is the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program), which ranges from 10 to 12 for each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and the Pearson Test of English (PTE Core Option), a quick, fair and easy general English test recognized by the Canadian government (IRCC) for permanent residency applications in all economic classes.

Keep in mind that the Canadian government highly values your work experience and educational background, so a cook should have at least one year of work experience in the food field. In addition, obtaining a certification can be an asset to your career. Many Canadian cities have reputable culinary institutions that offer additional learning opportunities and certifications, for example, the red seal, which is a specific certification for chefs in some Canadian provinces. 

If you are interested in achieving a higher CLB level to work as a cook in Canada, you can take one of our courses, IELTS Preparation, Celpip Prep Program. Also, you can explore the English 4 Express Entrywhich prepares you to apply for Canada's Express Entry program. In the form below, you can contact us for more information, contact a Planeta Immiland advisor..

With love,

Planet Immiland

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