18 weeks

This course will help you to:

  • This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental English language skills essential for success in the Canadian Express Entry system. Canadian Express Entry system, with special emphasis on achieving the proficiency levels required for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). English Language Testing System (IELTS).

  • Recognizing that high language skills contribute to a higher allocation of points on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)our course is specifically designed to maximize the opportunities for prospective immigrants to excel on their path to permanent residency.



Immiland Canada will provide support for its application and will be able to acquire:

50% discount on specialized express entry consultation to evaluate the profile and provide the necessary recommendations according to the family's needs,

Cost of Express Entry Consultation CAD$150

Regular price CAD$300


30% discount on professional fees for Express Entry application process in Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1: Expression of Interest

Phase 2: The candidates with the highest scores will receive an invitation - ITA.

Our offer