What level of English does a call center in Canada require?

May 13, 2024

Written by Gabriela Estrada


Multicultural Listening is the key phrase for working in a call center Why? Because this customer service position receives a hundred calls a day from native Canadians, Hispanics and people of other nationalities with different accents and languages, so the operator must develop very good listening skills to understand everyone's message equally and in a common language, which in this case would be English.

One of the most sought-after jobs anywhere in the world is that of a call center or telephone call center. Basically, this is a face-to-face or remote job that often does not require university studies and almost everyone can do it, if they have an acceptable vocal resource; however, in today's modern and globalized world, employers are requiring the call center operator to be able to work in a call center, employers are requiring the call center operator to be a call center speak and listen to English perfectly to be able to establish an effective communication with the caller.

Let's see what language requirements are needed to work in a call center. call center in Canada, what level of English you need and what international recognition tests you need to take to prove your ability to understand 100% of an English conversation and win the job!


Language requirements to work in a call center call center in Canada

Many companies handle a specific script or script for calls; some are for information, others for complaints, requests, etc., however, the candidate for the job of call center must have:

  • Proficiency in two or more languages: A minimum of two languages is an essential requirement for this position. In Canada, fluency in English and, if possible, French is required.

On the other hand, it is not enough to speak your native language and/or English and that's all. call center in Canada requires good oral skills, including verbal richness, a wide and simple vocabulary, good pronunciation and gender and number agreement, among other elements.

  • If your native language is Spanish or French or whatever, then you must be able to express yourself in a practical language that anyone who speaks that language can understand: you don't know who the next customer will call and the goal of this position is to effectively communicate a positive solution or agreement. Also, consider the tone of your voice, it should always reflect friendliness and confidence.
  • Advanced intermediate English level: to work in a call center in Canada, candidates must be able to speak English at such an optimal level to be able to communicate fluently with customers so that they can understand their needs.

It should be taken into account that the English that receptionists will hear is diverse, with different accents and typical verbal expressions that they should know, so it is very important to prepare with courses focused on the work language environment and under the guidance of a native or bilingual teacher of the region, preferably, to achieve a good score in the English level.


What level or score of English do companies in Canada require to work as a call center? call center?

It all depends on the company and its communication standards and platforms, some may require the candidate to be mandatorily bilingual, without asking for a specific score or level, others may require the language level to be English and French B1 (score 4 to 5), equivalent to a CLB 5 in the Canadian language proficiency; which means that the candidate must be able to understand the main points of clear, standard-language texts if they deal with matters that are familiar to them, whether in work, study or leisure situations; but they may also find a more demanding job offer that requires a C1 or C2 level (score 7.5 to 9), equivalent to a CLB 8-9 and 10-12, respectively, in Canadian language proficiency, The candidate must also have a professional degree, which means that he/she must be highly qualified to speak in English with clients from any part of the world and be able to handle accents and a specialized area of work.

At Immiland, we always recommend preparing well enough to compete with other candidates, betting on a CLB 10-12 level of English would be great to get you on any employer's list. Let's take a look below at the language tests and your score for a call center competitive.


What tests measure the level of English for a call center? call center in Canada?

Regarding the scores required to measure your level of English, here are the most common and recognized English language tests in immigration. Read them and you will be able to determine which one(s) may be useful for a job as a call center in Canada:


  • The General IELTS (International English Language Testing System): 
  • The average score for a call center The average score for a competitive call center varies between 7.5 and 9.0 on the IELTS, equivalent to CLB 8-12 and CLB 12 levels, i.e. a proficient user of English with near native-like ability when it is CLB 12.
  • This test is accepted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and by Canadian employers.
  • IELTS tests reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. 


  • The CELPIP General (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program):
  • The average score for a call center The average score for a competitive call center is at a level equivalent to CLB 8-9, i.e., a user with highly effective competence in work and community contexts.
  • This exam focuses specifically on Canadian English.
  • The CELPIP serves to assess the Canadian English fluency of individuals seeking to study, work or have immigration opportunities in Canada. This will enable them to meet the language immigration requirements for Canadian citizenship, study and/or obtain better employment in Canada, and better adapt to the Canadian language environment.
  • The CELPIP assesses reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.


  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language):
  • It is also an international English test to certify English language proficiency, but beware! but beware! this test has a fundamentally academic focus.
  • The minimum score equivalent to IELTS 7.5 would be from 96 to 120.
  • The TOEFL is not widely used for immigration, but some educational institutions may require it.


Please note that these scores and levels are approximate and may vary by test and context. Now that you know a little more about the scores and tests required to work in a call center which test do you think is best to take?


At our language school, Planeta Immiland, we offer various language leveling courses with a migratory approach and adapted to the needs of the users. To see our English courses click here and explore the different levels until you find yours, you can also take the free English test.

Planeta Immiland's teachers are specialized in teaching personalized English according to the student's interests and prepare them for the language test that best suits their objective. Explore the courses IELTS Preparation y CELPIP Preparation.


With love,

Planet Immiland

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