Canadian immigration benefits French-speaking people

Feb 07, 2024

Written by Gabriela Estrada

With the new changes in Canada's immigration laws for international students, studying and/or speaking French will be a good key if you want to come to the first world country. Before going into details about the advantages of French-speaking foreigners and their possibility to start a successful immigration path, it is worth mentioning that one of the most recent rounds of the IRCC for last year's closing 2023 was targeted exclusively to one thousand French speakers.This is very important to know because it shows the attention that the government pays to attract a specific group of foreigners who speak French, therefore, if as a foreign student you see your chances of coming to Canada reduced, improving your French to apply for the Express Entry will be an excellent option to arrive with permanent residence in the country.

How do those who have a good level of French benefit in their migratory path?

At Planeta Immiland, we know firsthand the benefits of being part of this special French-speaking community, as the Canadian government seeks to preserve its French culture and tradition above many interests. Below, we will mention the considerations you should take into account when studying French to come to Canada and then highlight the benefits.

Intermediate level of French is key

If you are a foreigner focused on Express Entry, you should know that a good level of French will help you score points when applying for permanent residency. 

How much should you score on the TEF French exam?

Basically it should be aimed at:

  • A CBL 7
  • In the reading (compréhension l'écrit): 207-232
  • In the writing (expression écrite): 310-348
  • In the speaking (expression orale): 310-348
  • In the listening (compréhension de l'oral): 249-279

Speaking French exempts you from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) in Canada.

Please note that to come to Canada by way of work, a LMIA is required (except for some countries that have agreements with Canada), i.e. your employer has to prove to the Canadian government that he/she cannot find an employee in the country and therefore must apply for a foreigner to fill that position. So, if your country does not have an exemption agreement for the LMIA, mastering the French language can help you, if your level is a B2 recognized by a certified academy. At Planeta Immiland, we can help you raise your French level here.

Your profile as an international student must be the best of the best

Due to the changes of January 22nd, international students should be aware that there will be less places for their visas to be approved, therefore they should focus on improving their profile, since the Canadian government will choose the best ones; this means that you should have:

- Good roots in their country of origin.

- More funds than required.

- Maintain the logical thread regarding what you are going to study in Canada (it must be related to your profession and academic degree).

- Proficient in English and/or French.

Main benefits of studying French in 2024

  • You will add 50 points to your profile if you decide to enter through the special French-speaking category in the Express Entry.
  • You have a better chance of finding a job.
  • It exempts you from the LMIA and your employer will hire you quickly, so you will be able to apply for a visa through the Mobilité Francophone.
  • You are closer to obtaining permanent residency.
  • You can integrate into and learn more about the French-speaking Canadian culture.
  • You will be able to communicate effectively in any important situation.

In summary, remember that the Canadian migration system rewards or has special programs outside the province of Quebec for people who speak French. Therefore, French can be a bridge to Canada. At our Planeta Immiland academy, we teach French with 100% online classes focused on Canadian migration, as we prepare you for the exams you must pass in French before the government. Check out our teaching methodology and all the details of the French course here.

With love,

Planet Immiland

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