The Duolingo test: do universities and colleges accept it?

Mar 01, 2024
Duolingo English Test, universities, canada

Written by Gabriela Estrada


The Duolingo test is being increasingly accepted by institutions, as it focuses on the needs and objectives of the student, and handles a test that like the TOEFL or IELTS evaluates language skills from the four areas of the language: reading, listening, speaking, writing. A feature that adds even more value to this test is that it is recognized by 4500 universities in more than 50 countries, including Canada! So, if you are thinking of moving to another country and live a different experience as a foreign student, know that this article dedicated to the Duolingo exam and its features will be useful for you. Join me!

A fast and reliable language test

In my work experience as the person in charge of receiving international students in Canada, I can affirm that the great majority complied with the requirements of the law, and one of them is the command of the language, I can also say that many were prepared with the Duolingo course, some in other language academies, others in our academy Planeta Immiland, the truth is that many times we receive questions from our clients about if the academic institutions in Canada accept this exam to demonstrate the level of languages, and the answer is yes, this exam is accepted by Canadian universities and colleges.It is also a fast learning course, it is 100% reliable and allows to achieve the necessary score to pass it successfully, that is why I share valuable information for future international students in Canada as well as for those interested in general.


Which universities and colleges accept the Duolingo exam?

Among other academies spread across Canada, I would like to mention some institutions that accept the Duolingo test for international students, below:

  • McGill University  
  • University of Toronto 
  • University of Alberta 
  • University of Waterloo 
  • Simon Fraser University 
  • Royal Roads University 
  • University Canada West
  • College of arts a Sciences
  • Flaming College

With some of these institutions we have academic registration partnerships through Immiland Education, click here. click here for more information.


What are the features of the Duolingo exam?

This online exam is very particular, here are its main features:

  • The Duolingo test is adaptive, that is to say that the answers correspond to the student's level of knowledge, so that if he/she answers a question correctly, he/she will automatically move on to the next more complex question, and vice versa. This makes the exam progressive and quite user-friendly.
  • The assessment differentiates between the real (correct) words of the language and the false (incorrect) words, so that the student fills in the missing letters in a section of the text, while describing images, answering questions orally, reading sentences, answering written questions or writing what he or she hears, in short, using the three systems of representation: visual (reading), auditory (listening) and kinesthetic (writing), which favors each group equally.
  • The test can be performed online at home from any computer with a camera, microphone, speakers and reliable Internet.
  • The total duration is 45 to 60 minutes.
  • They are presented on a scale of 10 to 160.
  • The level you can reach with Duolingo is the equivalent of B2 or 5.5 to 6.0 IELTS.


How can you prepare for the Duolingo exam?

Well, it all starts from your home online. 

  • Take the test of your language level to know your reach. In our academy Planeta Immiland, we have a completely free test, if you wish to do this test, click here click here.
  • Once you know your language level, organize your time so that you can start studying at home or, if necessary, take the online course with the bilingual teachers available. In this blog, we share 7 key tips for those who prefer to opt for individual preparation, 7 tips to learn advanced English fast. If, on the other hand, you prefer the accompaniment of a bilingual or native teacher, then it would be best to start with the course; at Planeta Immiland, this preparation aims to present the exam with confidence and achieve the necessary score to pass it successfully. This course is available under the name Duolingo Prep Course.
  • Please note that the Duolingo exam is remote and there are some institutions that, for obvious reasons, have expressed concerns about the security of the virtual environment and the fact that the results and the user are real, so make sure you have a good Wi-Fi network because the student must be shown in a video during the exam, then this will be verified through special software. In general, the student will receive a series of guidelines to follow for the presentation of this exam, that is why it is so important to prepare with a good course. 
  • Duolingo Prep Course can be done in two weeks, so if you decide to prepare with a bilingual or native teacher from Planeta Immiland, make sure you allocate quality time to your learning. With one hour a day from Monday to Friday and the best disposition to interact 100% live during the online classes, you will see very good progress.


Planeta Immiland Recommendations

The international student who decides to take the Duolingo exam must keep in mind that knowing how this online course works and its peculiar methodology will be crucial to achieve a high score. To close this article, I want to reiterate the importance of raising the level of studies in general if you want to immigrate to Canada, but even more to raise the level of the language, either English or French, because if you are planning to come to the country by way of economic, study or work experience, demonstrate that you have mastery in either of these two languages will benefit you over those who have a more basic knowledge, remember that the Canadian government is giving priority to French-speaking foreigners through Express Entry and, now more than ever, this year 2024 international students must guarantee a well competitive academic profile in front of IRCC, so think big and prepare well for this and any exam required by Canada.

We invite you to read our blog Here you will find tips, tools and Anglo-French culture to learn on line!


With love

Planet Immiland

Not sure about your level of English or French? Don't worry!

At Planeta Immiland Education we offer a free online placement test to help you find out your language level and design a personalized study plan for you. Find out your English or French level in a few minutes and start improving your language skills today!
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