7 tips to learn advanced English fast

Dec 26, 2023

Written by Yvanna Sol


Learning a new language is an exciting and enriching challenge that we often take on for study, for work or because we know that it is a key that opens many favorable doors. English is one of the most useful and widespread languages in the world, and with its more than 700,000 active words, its complex pronunciation (for some) and its peculiar spelling rules, it may seem like a monumental challenge that may take you years; but at Planeta Immiland, we assure you that it is not so, so do not worry, if you are reading this blog, then you are on the right track! because here we will offer you a series of tips and learning formulas so that you can master English fast and take advantage of the infinite opportunities that this language offers you in the professional, personal, entertainment and, why not? in love.


Tip 1: find your own motivation

Learning a new language is an ambitious undertaking, so finding your own reason to make it happen is crucial. A good reason or objective will help you stay focused on your goal of communicating quickly in English; and when we say "quickly," we mean within three to six months. Whether you dream of traveling and connecting with English speakers, are in love with someone whose native language is English, or are looking to improve your job prospects, having a solid motivation will give you the determination you need to overcome the challenges along the way.


Formula to maintain active motivation during your rapid English learning: 

Write on a card or flash card a phrase describing what you are learning to speak English for, then post it in a visible place in your room, office or car, for example, to remind yourself of the end result of your effort. This will immediately lift your spirits when you feel unmotivated or are having difficulty. You can write that motivation in English and pronounce it daily, it will also help you to exercise your memory by seeing the words you use in the phrase and their pronunciation.


Tip 2: Immerse yourself in the Language

Immersion is the key to learning a new language effectively. This involves entering fully into the new language environment; the more you surround yourself with English vocabulary in your daily life, the faster you will progress. 


Formula to immerse yourself in the English language:
  • Change the language of your devices to English.
  • Watch your favorite movies and series in English.
  • Listen to podcasts in English.
  • Read your favorite books in English.
  • Listen to English music daily.
  • Post "notitas" with English words throughout your home.


The best way to learn a language is to surround yourself with it as much as possible. Even if you don't understand everything at first, your brain will gradually get used to the language and improve over time.


Tip 3: Be consistent and persistent

Learning a language is a process that takes time and during the learning period there will be many challenges of comprehension, interpretation, pronunciation, writing, etc., so there will be days when you may feel that you are not progressing or that you are stagnating, but this is normal, at Planeta Immiland we emphasize the great value of each advance however small it may seem, because this works like a puzzle piece that every day is joining the whole.


Formula for developing consistency and persistence in learning English:

Spend quality time every day listening, reading, writing or speaking what you know about English. In fact, we have an inspiring story of one of our studentswho spent months without understanding anything during conversations in English, especially in what is known as listeningwhere the identification and processing of sounds helps us to pick up letters, words, phrases, etc. So he decided to listen to English podcasts during he decided to listen to English podcasts for five hours a day.. At first, he told us that he didn't understand anything, but he was convinced that being consistent with the five hours of English during the day would connect him to the language, and so he suddenly started to understand what they were saying in the podcast interviews; he commented on it in our conversation club and it was great for everyone to see him so talkative in the following classes.

That is why we are convinced that it is possible to learn to speak English quickly, it is a matter of practice and persistence, developing your ear every day was what allowed him to improve his listening and comprehension skills.


Tip 4: focus on your interests

Don't try to learn everything at once. At first, focus on words and phrases related to your interests and goals. 


Formula to focus on your interests:

If you like to travel, learn travel-related vocabulary. If you are passionate about business, immerse yourself in business vocabulary; this will make you more interesting and relevant to increase your motivation.


Tip 5: Listen to podcasts in English

Just as our student did in the story above, podcasts are a great way to get your ear accustomed to English. If you take into account that the podcast is like radio, but you can listen to it whenever you want, then it is very feasible that you will find the one you like best for your information, education, entertainment and more. 


Formula to develop your hearing by listening to podcasts:

Listen to the podcast of your choice in the background while doing other tasks, this will act as a "white noise" that will help you become familiar with the language.


Tip 6: dare to ask questions

As you learn to speak English, questions begin to accumulate, and that is when we recommend that you should NOT be afraid to ask your teachers or native English speaking friends if you have any doubts. Asking questions will help you advance your learning.


Formula for NOT being afraid to ask questions in English:

Identify first your doubt, what are the words involved in the context and how would be the way to address your question and make yourself understood, that will give you the confidence that you are using the most appropriate vocabulary and phrases. Many times the fear comes from feeling that the English teacher or classmates will not understand anything we said, but that is exactly what you are looking for in the class, to ask and answer as much as you can, and to test the vocabulary and grammar you have learned. 


Tip 7: don't take it personally

It is normal to make mistakes when learning a new language. Don't worry about your accent or constructing a question or answer wrong, it happens at first, but after six months of learning English, you will feel more formidable. After all, most people who speak more than one language have different accents and also had to learn from scratch. 


Formula to avoid worrying about mistakes or accent when learning English:

Everyone is unique in their own way, so don't let criticism from others discourage you; on the contrary, this is a good opportunity to prove to yourself that you can do it. Learning in a group with people of different levels of English is a good way to reach an advanced level, that is more important than any external opinion.


Remember that speaking a second language opens doors to a world of possibilities in personal, work and professional life.

At Planeta Immiland, we don't care what your current level of English is, because experience tells us that with patience and perseverance, but mainly with daily practice, you will be able to master this language. With confidence we say: you can do it! In our academy, we offer courses that can take you from a beginner to an advanced level of English in as little as six months. Use these tips and formulas in conjunction with your classes and you'll be speaking and writing in English in no time - your English learning success is within your reach! Explore all the services of our English and French language academy Planteta Immiland and contact us with any questions you may have by clicking here.


With love,

Planet Immiland

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