Educational tourism in Canada: the new trend in professional growth

Jan 08, 2024

Written by Yvanna Sol


Educational tourism is a booming trend that combines the experience of traveling and exploring new places with the opportunity to learn and grow on a personal and academic level, which elevates becoming a much more competitive professional for any market. Among the most popular destinations for this type of experience, Canada stands out as a top choice with a growing number of international students forming a long list for the trip.

In this Planet Immiland blog, we invite you to explore the exciting world of educational tourism in Canada and discover why this country is the perfect destination to enrich your life with new experiences, knowledge and cultures.


An educational paradise called Canada


Canada is known for its high quality education system and commitment to cultural diversity. This nation welcomes international students from all over the world, giving them the opportunity to explore a multicultural environment while obtaining a world-class education. Some of the highlights that make Canada an ideal destination for educational tourism include:


  1. World-renowned educational institutions

Canada is home to many world-renowned educational institutions, from top-tier universities to specialized technical colleges. This means that international students have access to a wide variety of study programs and can find the option that best suits their academic goals.


  1. Cultural diversity

Canada is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, which creates an inclusive and enriching environment for international students who choose to live in this beautiful country. By immersing themselves in this diversity, students have the opportunity to learn about different lifestyles from other latitudes, unimagined customs and interesting perspectives on the human perspective on life, the future, openness to new horizons and even the promotion of tolerance.


  1. Safety and quality of life

Canada is known for being one of the safest countries in the world. In addition, its quality of life is exceptional, making it an attractive place for students and travelers. Quality health care, safety, natural beauty and political stability are just some of the benefits this country has to offer. In fact, more and more people are dreaming of living in Canada; at Immiland, we see this frequently with the large number of student visas we process, so much so, that the country has seen a significant increase in its population, and this growth is made up of students and people in general who want to live in Canada; here a Datosmacros survey that proves it.


Study opportunities in Canada

When it comes to educational tourism in Canada, the possibilities are virtually endless. Some of the most popular options include:


  1. Language studies

Canada is a perfect place to improve your English or French skills, as these are the two official languages of the country. Language schools offer a variety of courses, from immersion programs to personalized lessons. These classes can be received in the country when, for example, you do a study exchange, such is the interesting case of Karla Ojeda, a Venezuelan migrant who wanted to share her story with us and we even published a blog that tells her beautiful experience, read Karla Ojeda's story. There are also modalities of study online to learn English and French, and doing it before traveling to Canada is a very good option for you to arrive with an acceptable level that will help you to integrate.


  1. Higher education

Many international students choose Canada for undergraduate and graduate programs because Canadian universities offer a wide range of academic disciplines and have a reputation for excellence in education, this raises the profile of any professional in a myriad of companies worldwide as well as in the country, so much so that many students stay to live in Canada after completing their studies and do not think twice to process a new visa that allows them to fulfill the dream of becoming even Canadian citizens. In addition, there are universities and colleges that offer registration benefits when they establish alliances with certain agencies, for example, the University Canada West in Vancouver has an agreement with Immiland Education that benefits their students when they start their process with us, here you can explore this and other alliances; also our English and French academy has alliances with Immiland Education, as we are a language school for immigration purposes.


  1. Technical and training courses

Canada is also famous for its technical and training programs in areas such as technology, health, arts and more. These programs offer an avenue to acquire practical skills and prepare for the job market.


Benefits of educational tourism in Canada

Educational tourism in Canada goes beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge. By choosing Canada as your destination, you can enjoy a series of benefits that have a positive impact on your daily life, here are some of them:

  • It favors personal growth: because the contact with a new culture and different environment brings a challenge that transcends our own way of thinking and almost automatically awakens a significant desire to acquire adaptation skills that allow us to better recognize these experiences with people, feelings, lived moments, places that we never thought to discover before and that become very valuable personal tools.
  • Creates global connections: by meeting people from all over the world, you end up establishing relationships and connections so significant that they can last a lifetime, in fact, this cultural approach and this new way of understanding the world just by studying in a country like Canada, where the vast majority speak English and French, is precisely what enriches the way we handle our own personal and professional dynamics at a very high level.
  • It fosters a good multicultural experience: In Canada, there is a very rich and attractive cultural variety to discover, many foreigners from Asia and Europe decide to live in this distant country, study in its universities and let themselves be carried away by the expansive wave of multicultural knowledge, they are even passionate about the challenge of moving from their native language, such as Italian, for example, to Canadian French, or from standard Mandarin to Canadian English, in short, everything that allows them to retain a unique global perspective and a deeper understanding of the very diverse idiosyncrasy that Canada has.
  • It offers quality education: as described above, studying in Canada is synonymous with high quality education and open doors to a very successful future career.


How to plan your educational trip to Canada?

The first big step is to research very well which are the best study options. At Immiland, we always recommend to choose universities that offer the post-graduation study permit, because this way you will be able to continue working after finishing your studies in Canada.

Once the program has been defined and the university or college collegeOnce you have defined the program and the university or college, obtain the necessary documentation to process your student visa. These two steps are crucial for your effective application; you should always read the requirements of official Canadian government pages and avoid leaving your case in the hands of an unauthorized educational or immigration agent, being prepared to discover a new world of learning in one of the most welcoming countries in the world also implies drawing an educational tourist route with real possibilities of migration.

Ah, also remember that speaking English or French before arriving in Canada will help you a lot, because as we have already described, in a country so diverse and with so much to learn, you do not want to be left out of any gathering or conversation among peers from around the world, choose a second language that includes you in the wonderful and transforming Canadian lifestyle.

Do you already know your level of English or French? At Planeta Immiland, we offer you a free free language testto find out how much you know about English or French, explore our courses and teaching methodology by clicking here.

Contact your certified educational or immigration advisor to guide you on your study tour route. Go ahead, Canada is waiting for you with open arms!


With love,

Planet Immiland

Not sure about your level of English or French? Don't worry!

At Planeta Immiland Education we offer a free online placement test to help you find out your language level and design a personalized study plan for you. Find out your English or French level in a few minutes and start improving your language skills today!
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