Tips for presenting yourself correctly in English in the workplace

Jan 16, 2024

 Written by Yvanna Sol


Globalization has led to an increased demand for English skills in the workplace, so whether you are working in an international company or simply want to improve your career prospects, knowing how to present yourself properly at work where everyone speaks English is essential. In this blog, we share key tips to help you make a great first impression in your work environment by using the most appropriate English words and expressions for their respectful and formal message, as well as their simplicity for the whole team to understand.


  1. Professional greeting

The first step in introducing yourself at work and making a good and respectful impression is to greet like a professional. This means that when you arrive at the office or enter a meeting, it is important that your greeting is friendly yet formal. Some common English expressions in the workplace include:

  • "Good morning/afternoon/evening" (Good morning/afternoon/evening).
  • "Hello, everyone" (Hello, everyone).
  • "Nice to see you" (Nice to see you).

Remember that courtesy and politeness are fundamental in all communication, and English expressions should be known and practiced so as not to confuse them with colloquial expressions that may be uncomfortable or generate an overly informal image.


  1. Name and position

When you introduce yourself, it is essential that you provide your name and your position in the company, this information is important to instill confidence and enthusiasm among your colleagues, in addition to generating a sense of authority in your area of work; in fact, mentioning only your name can make you seem insignificant at work, on the other hand, mentioning the place you occupy in the company will give you presence and professional authority. A common way to mention your name and job title in English is as follows:

  • "Hi, I'm [your name], and I work as a [your position] in the [your department] [your department department". (Hello, I am [your name] and I work as [your position] in the [your department] department.)

When presenting yourself orally, do so with a firm voice and a cordial attitude, and make sure your pronunciation is clear and slow so that everyone can understand you.


  1. Additional information

In some situations, it may be useful to provide additional information about yourself, such as your experience or your responsibilities, that will arouse the interest of your colleagues and may even generate admiration for your capabilities. Mentioning this extra information should be done with modesty, avoiding speaking in an arrogant tone, on the contrary, it is about showing yourself as a competent professional willing to collaborate. A common expression in English is the following:

  • "I've been with the company for [number of years] and I'm responsible for [Description of your responsibilities]." (I 've been with the company for [number of years] and I'm responsible for [description of your responsibilities]).


  1. Use formal language

As mentioned above, in the work environment, it is important to use a language that denotes seriousness and respect, without falling into the excess of a distant treatment, so this language can be cordial, but avoiding unnecessary jargon and colloquial expressions, as they will certainly make you look like a poorly educated and trusting person. Keep your communications at the level of a good professional and with clear and respectful messages.


  1. Active listening

Communication at work is not just about talking; active listening is just as important. Pay attention to what your colleagues and managers are saying, ask follow-up questions, and show genuine interest in conversations.


  1. Practice written communication

In the work environment, much of the communication is done by email, you may also use online chats in the workspace, whatever the channel of the message, always try to use a formal tone, structure your emails in a logical way, check your spelling and grammar and make sure that all the text is written in good English, only then your communication will be effective. Write your message and read it several times before sending it so that you can detect any errors or scattered content.


  1. Learn specific vocabulary

Depending on your industry, you may need to learn technical or industry-specific vocabulary so you can be an active part of an important meeting as well as a more everyday conversation. In short, knowing the English words and phrases that identify with your job functions will make you a more alert and attentive professional in any given situation, as well as help you better understand any assigned task. Take the time to study and familiarize yourself with the terms relevant to your job.


  1. Watch your pronunciation

Clear pronunciation is crucial for effective communication in English. If you are not confident with your pronunciation in another language, then consider taking diction and articulation classes or practicing with native speakers, as daily listening to the most commonly spoken English words or phrases in your environment or context will create the physical and intellectual muscle memory necessary to incorporate sounds and articulation movements that will allow you to speak with the best possible pronunciation to make yourself understood. You can learn English classes at home or online, the important thing is your willingness and commitment to improve your level.


  1. Ask for feedback

Asking your colleagues or supervisors for feedback on your English communication is an excellent way to improve. It may seem uncomfortable at first to be corrected, but it is precisely from your mistakes that you will realize exactly what you need to practice more; many times you have the facility to speak in English, but you need to work more on the written part, etc., the important thing is that being frank and asking for constructive feedback from others will help you recognize your progress and tasks to be done to reach the optimal level of English conversation. So learn from your mistakes and work on areas where you may need improvement.


  1. Be patient and open to professional growth

Learning to present yourself properly in English in the workplace takes time and practice, both oral and written. Unlike the mother tongue, which is acquired and takes several years of life, English or any other language is learned and this process is much faster, it only requires study, perseverance and a lot of practice. In fact, in our English academy, Planeta Immiland, we offer English and French courses and the estimated proven learning time is three months minimum, of course we also follow up our students and we have a conversation club that takes them to speak the language in a group; so do not despair or fear making mistakes because these will always occur and are precisely those that will give you the opportunity to improve in your learning process. So, give time to time, be patient with your own evolution in the process of learning English and keep an open and willing attitude to grow in your language skills to take your profession to another level.


Remember that effective communication in English is a valuable skill that can boost your career and put you at the top of your studies. Our native and bilingual teachers are fully qualified to teach you to speak English from home or online thanks to our methodology based on a curriculum design that will allow you to develop each of the language skills necessary to function in any English-speaking and/or French-speaking environment. In addition, it focuses on the development of comprehension and production skills through dynamic classes with small groups of a maximum of 10 students, daily homework, a friendly environment that will challenge you to get out of your comfort zone, as well as the application of exams at the end of each level.

With practice and perseverance, you will feel more comfortable and confident presenting yourself correctly in English to establish a good professional image in the workplace. Speaking English will undoubtedly help you communicate in a diverse and effective manner in an international work environment.

We invite you to explore our English language teaching services online and to finally cross the language frontier at



With love,

Planet Immiland

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