Why learning English will change your life

Jan 01, 2024
Written by Yvanna Sol
Speaking English is a valuable asset that can enrich your life in many ways. By mastering this language, the speaker opens up a world of personal and professional opportunities, but why exactly can learning English change our lives? 
In this Planet Immiland article, we'll give you the answer in terms of the positive impact learning English has on making global connections, improving your cognitive skills and expanding your employment possibilities. Here we go!
  • Impact on your career
Fluency in English is a highly valued skill in the workplace. Speaking and writing in English fluently sets you apart from the competition and gives you a significant advantage in being able to more quickly and effectively resolve any business issue involving new English terminology. Increasingly, pollsters are showing recent results of people who are proficient in English and therefore have higher earnings, approximately 30% higher than average. In addition, if you want to change careers or work in the digital world, having a solid knowledge of English will put you in a prime position, as many job opportunities require or highly value this language.
  • Impact on your education
Students of any level who choose to learn English stand out positively during their education, since English provides access to a wide range of learning resources, in addition, many academic publications and world-renowned research are in English and those who are proficient in English have the ability to deepen their understanding of these materials, which puts them at an advantage over those who are only proficient in their own language. Also, English opens the door to study abroad opportunities, this is very encouraging for those students who want to live outside their country and study in a renowned institution, if this is your case, know that many of the best universities in the world are located in English-speaking countries.
  • Impact on your travel
Speaking English makes it easier to stay in English-speaking countries because that skill will allow you to communicate and connect better with local people, understand signs and menus, negotiate and enjoy your travel experience more fully. English is the official language or first language in more than 50 countries and is spoken as a second language in 55 others, so it is to be expected that speaking English is a necessity, even if you are traveling for pleasure. By learning English, your travels will be more motivating and enjoyable, as you will be able to communicate more fluently in English in much of the world. Also, in popular destinations such as London, New York and Sydney, English is the predominant language, so if you are planning your trip in advance, don't rule out taking an English course from home or online with bilingual or native English teachers from the country you are going to because this will work 100% to make your trip more enjoyable!
  • Impact on your social life
Knowing how to communicate in English generates a very positive feeling in the management of your social relationships, since it allows you to interact with people from diverse cultures who surely have a lot to show about their countries, customs and traditions, and that is precisely what enriches and broadens horizons when we interrelate. In fact, learning to speak English will lead you to join international clubs, attend events and join online communities to practice your language skills and learn about different lifestyles in other countries. Another great impact on your social life is that mastering a new language will increase your confidence and self-esteem by knowing you are able to relate to others in a different way, which is also at the forefront of an increasingly closer society where the vast majority seek to express themselves freely to reach a deeper level of knowledge of new topics, new human relationships, even new phrases that define today's world.
In short, learning a new language is a very personal investment that conditions our future to inevitable success, and it is also very satisfying to see how speaking English opens doors to new friendships and experiences.
  • Impact on cognitive skills
Learning English not only improves your language skills, but also has a positive effect on your cognitive skills. Research has shown that being bilingual, i.e., speaking Spanish and English, can improve memory, problem-solving skills and overall cognitive performance. Mastering a foreign language stimulates the development of new neural connections, which in turn promotes greater mental agility and creativity. 
In our academy Planeta Immilandwe know firsthand the countless advantages of learning the English language, in fact, we are convinced that this reality is increasingly accessible and transformative; speaking English makes you a much better student or professional, leads you to earn a better salary, connect better with others and enjoy a better understood environment. Learning English is so possible that you don't even have to leave your country, you can do it from home or online. With that said, are you ready to begin your journey to English proficiency?
Meet our bilingual and native teachersAll are certified instructors, committed and carefully selected to teach dynamic classes.
With love,
Planet Immiland

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