Mobilité Francophone Program: speaking French to go to Canada

Mar 11, 2024

Written by Gabriela Estrada

One of the most sought after countries by international students to live the academic experience at another level is Canada, a vast territory full of lush green forests, super modern urbanisms, a charming multicultural society and the versatility of its two official languages, English and French. and the versatility of its two official languages, English and French, the latter more and more widespread by its inhabitants and more valued by the Canadian government to preserve it, as well as the historical French tradition that goes with it. It is for this reason that, in 2023 and up to date, the IRCC announced the extension to several job categories of the program called Francophone Mobility (Mobilité Francophone), this is excellent news in times of changes and new immigration measures, so at once we advance that speaking French will help you increase your chances of getting your job offer to apply. Now, what does this program consist of and how does knowing French benefit international students? Here are the details of this encouraging program for French speakers.


What is the Mobilité Francophone Mobilité Francophone?

It is an immigration plan implemented by the Canadian government to open the doors of the country to those foreigners who speak French at a moderate or conversational level (CLB5) and want to apply for a visa to live in Canada (except for the province of Quebec, since the predominant language here is French), in order to increase the economy through skilled labor. To this end, it extended it last year to several job categories, except agriculture.


What is the objective of the Mobilité Francophone Program?

This immigration plan seeks to increase the French language in regions of the country where its use is a minority, for example, in Ottawa, Windsor, Winnipeg, among others, to promote the necessary economic growth thanks to the foreign labor force and, in this way, simultaneously preserve the French language and its inherent European culture, but why is it so important for Canada to speak French, here is the answer.


Canada requires foreign employees who speak French

The IRCC has designed this economic mobility plan with the objective of promoting the French language in French-speaking minority communities outside Quebec and, over time, has been able to build on the significant benefit of its cultural and social heritage generated by foreign citizens. It is logical to think that a multicultural country like Canada, which receives so many international students, which processes so many visas, which has so many internationally recognized universities capable of attracting citizens from around the world to live, wants to preserve its own idiosyncrasy, so qualified foreign employees can come to work, but they must be able to speak conversational French so that they can integrate well into the francisation promoted by the country, that is why the Mobilité Francophone Program was extended! More details here.


From all of the above, it can be concluded that the fixed task that every foreigner with aspirations to take their lifestyle to a better level must perform is to program themselves to learn to speak French well and to be able to hold a fluent conversation on a daily basis or in the work context. At Planeta Immiland, we are dedicated to the preparation of international students and users in general who are looking to learn the Canadian language at a level that will allow them to opt for immigration programs to come to this beautiful country or help them to improve the language for purely personal purposes. If you already speak French, but would like to improve your knowledge, please contact us at this linkwe have an offer addressed to students interested in the new Canadian immigration program of Mobilité Francophone..

Our next Intake starts as early as April of this year 2024, if you are interested in this specific preparation course to apply for the Mobilité Francophone, please click here for your information.


With love, 

Planet Immiland

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