It is becoming increasingly important to speak English for remote work: find out why!

Jun 03, 2024
It is becoming increasingly important to speak English for remote work: find out why!

Written by Eddy Ramirez


Remote work is the new work mode of this decade, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it is common for a person from any country to work remotely for an international company with other colleagues from different cultures and languages, regardless of time zone or continent; however, that physical distance needs to be compensated with a good communication channel for the work to flow and, as far as language is concerned, that channel is English: the most spoken language in the world. 

People who speak English on par with their native language are very privileged in this global era, as they are more likely to be hired for remote work or to receive better offers, job promotions, a very good salary, etc., so, if you are thinking of working remotely, join me in reading this article to learn in what context in the remote space English is used and what language skills you should develop according to your profession or trade.


What is the remote workspace like?

To communicate in the remote workspace, digital platforms and tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams and Zoom are used. These are super effective, friendly and easy to handle channels for real-time messaging, videoconferencing, exchanging documents, etc., with people from other latitudes; speaking English is essential for an optimal working relationship, since, as mentioned above, this is the language best known by all as a second language.

This virtual space is the meeting point between employees and collaborators or customers to discuss issues inherent to the company or its services, just as it would be done in person, only that it can be combined with written or oral language, depending on the need, the functions of the position and the moment; that is why it is essential that all team members speak the same language and English has proved to be the most common and handled by the vast majority. Of course, accents vary, but in remote work you can always support the oral message with a written one. It all depends on the level that each person has and his or her most developed skills, so it is important to know the level of English according to the job or profession.


What level of English is required to work remotely in Canada?

In short, remote work for Canada requires an important linguistic competence in English or French, this country is officially English-speaking and the tasks of an employee require that he/she knows how to speak one or both languages so that he/she can perform well in his/her day. However, not all remote jobs require the same language proficiency, some require more writing skills than listening skills or vice versa, depending on the functions and the interaction with colleagues, superiors, customers and users of the company. The minimum CLB level varies according to the specific occupation. 

Let's look at the level of English according to the profession or trade for remote work, but first let's remember that Canada uses a unified scale that establishes equivalencies in recognized exams, such as IELTS or TEF, among others, and which are expressed by the acronym CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) or NCLC (Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien, Canadian level of linguistic competence).


Some remote occupations and positions with their CLB level

Programmer and software developer

This profession requires a CLB 7 or 8 (Intermediate) level, as developers work closely with customers or end users to understand their wishes and design software solutions that meet their needs. In addition, the programs come in English in their original form, reading and understanding the instructions is crucial for a programmer.


Computer technical support (IT)

A CLB level 5 or 6 (pre-intermediate) is acceptable. This position requires the teamwork of specialized professionals who help solve doubts, problems and inconveniences with the IT infrastructure of a company and its tools (software and hardware). This assistance or support related to the maintenance of hardware, networks and systems can be done in person or remotely, by phone or via email, so written proficiency must be very well taken care of. Well-developed written and reading proficiency is required.


Immigration Lawyer

For a remote migration consultant, it is recommended to have a CLB level of 7 to 9 in listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. The same word migratory determines that this is a position prone to handle oral communication with foreigners who most likely speak a very different language, such as Arabic or Japanese, so it is more than necessary to speak advanced English as a second language.


Web designer

CLB 7 or 8 (Intermediate) level in listening, reading, writing and speaking skills is recommended. This ensures effective communication and smooth collaboration with colleagues and clients in a remote environment. Although this work is mostly done in front of the computer and using design programs, it is necessary to read tools and directions in English, as well as to present the final artwork in English, if required by the client.



It is recommended to have a CLB level 7 or higher in listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. This corresponds to an IELTS score of 6.0 in each of the categories. Although much of an accountant's work involves written tasks such as financial analysis, reports and statements, oral communication remains relevant because English proficiency facilitates collaboration with colleagues, clients and supervisors. In addition, it is useful for virtual meetings, presentations and negotiations.


So far we have shared some professions with which remote work can be done and their relationship to the level of English. It is important to improve each of the competencies on the CLB scale, as each one represents the opportunity to solve different situations at work. It is very important to know how to listen, read, write and understand the English language for a more active, dynamic and competitive participation at work, people who master these areas have better salaries and occupy leadership positions. 

Would you like to work remotely with a company in Canada? Prepare yourself with language training courses focused on your professional area. Our language school will teach you to improve your English for three months from Monday to Friday. In this link, you can learn more about our language school with an immigration focusPlaneta Immiland. We have a team of native and bilingual teachers specialized in bringing your English level to a high standard and focused on the skills you need to be successful in finding a job.


Much success in your remote job search and in your new level of English!


With love, 


Planet Immiland

Not sure about your level of English or French? Don't worry!

At Planeta Immiland Education we offer a free online placement test to help you find out your language level and design a personalized study plan for you. Find out your English or French level in a few minutes and start improving your language skills today!
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