French phrases for the first day of work in Canada

Oct 17, 2024

Written by Gabriela Estrada

You got a job in Canada, you have to speak French and you don't know what phrases or words you will say on your first day; are you worried about not adapting quickly to the French-speaking environment due to lack of vocabulary, don't worry, this usually happens in this peculiar and officially bilingual country (English and French). Although it is not necessary to be fluent in both languages to live in Canada, in employment it is important to demonstrate proficiency and knowledge of at least one of them, as this ensures that you will be able to stay in the job for a long time.


Today I want to share this valuable topic in the blog of Planeta Immiland, the first immigration language school for Canada. Here are some essential phrases from the Canadian French-speaking world that will help you adapt faster to your new job. Let's get started!

Types of French phrases by job or profession

Adapting to a new job in Canada is a challenge, even more so if you have to understand each other in French. In order for this to happen, it is important to recognize the type of job you have, as this will determine the vocabulary, common expressions and typical essential phrases. 


It may be a job in which your duties are to serve customers in a restaurant, or it may be a job in the health care field. In each case, the phrases and style of language will vary between a more respectful and formal tone, a quick and colloquial style or a technical and cordial one, but more distant and with a "you" treatment. 


French for waiters

This job is within the service area, here the language is polite and cordial, as it can also be of the respectful type, but more colloquial, for example a fast food place. Ah, and, above all, it is necessary to know phrases to describe the food and beverages they offer! It all starts with:


  1. Greeting and personal presentation
  • Bonjour, je m'appelle Maria. Je suis nouveau/nouvelle ici. - Hello, my name is Maria. I am new here.

This phrase allows you to introduce yourself and show your willingness to learn.


  1. Taking orders
  • Qu'est-ce que je peux vous servir? - (What can I serve you?)
  • Que dĂ©sirez-vous boire? - What would you like to drink?
  • Avez-vous des allergies alimentaires? - Do you have any food allergies?
  • Your order will be ready in a few minutes. - Your order will be ready in a few minutes.
  • DĂ©sirez-vous un dessert ou un cafĂ©? - Would you like a dessert or a coffee?

 This question is essential for taking customer orders. 


  1. Close the table and say thank you

Je vais préparer l'addition. - I am going to prepare the account

Merci beaucoup! (Thank you very much!)


As simple as they may seem, these everyday phrases are very useful to establish a good impression with customers, favor good communication with the work team and demonstrate a good command of vocabulary in the service sector. 


Important: if you need to improve your French for a job interview or for your performance at work, you can see our French language course Mobilité Francophone.


Now, let's look at other phrases, this time as a health professional.


French for nurses

  1. Professional Presentation

Bonjour, je suis Maria, infirmier/infirmière. - Hello, I am Maria, nurse.


Introducing yourself with your professional title is essential to establish trust with patients and colleagues.

  1. Basic clinical questions
  • Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui? - How do you feel today?
  • Je vais prendre votre tension artĂ©rielle. - I will take your blood pressure
  • Je dois vĂ©rifier votre tempĂ©rature. - I must check its temperature.
  • Est-ce que vous avez des douleurs? - Do you have any pain?
  • Je vais vous donner vos mĂ©dicaments. - I am going to give you your medications.
  • Vous avez besoin d'aide pour vous lever? - Do you need help to get up?
  • Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin de quelque chose. - Call me if you need anything.


  1. Communication with the team

Je vais collaborer avec l'équipe médicale pour votre traitement. - I will collaborate with the medical team for your treatment.


A willingness to work as part of a team is essential in the health area.

Important: fluency in French opens doors in the Canadian job market and health, education and tourism are areas of interest to attract French-speaking immigrants. Our preparation course for the Mobilité Francophone program facilitates program facilitates entry into the Canadian labor market.


Constant practice and a willingness to learn new French words and phrases will ensure greater success in your new job. Now, let's move on to more careers!


French for car mechanics

  • Quel est le problème avec votre voiture? - What is the problem with your car?
  • Je vais vĂ©rifier le moteur. - I am going to check the engine.
  • Il faut changer l'huile. - It is necessary to change the oil.
  • Je vais faire un diagnostic complet. - I will make a complete diagnosis.
  • Your car will be ready in a few hours. - Your car will be ready in a few hours.
  • Nous allons faire un essai de conduite. - We are going to make a test drive.
  • Merci d'avoir choisi notre garage. - Thank you for choosing our garage.


French for accountants

  • Pouvez-vous me montrer vos documents financiers? - Can you show me your financial documents?
  • Je vais analyser vos dĂ©penses et vos revenus. - I will analyze your expenses and income.
  • Il nous faut prĂ©parer les dĂ©clarations fiscales. - We need to prepare the tax returns.
  • Avez-vous des factures Ă  vĂ©rifier? - Do you have invoices to check?
  • Je vous enverrai un rapport complet. - I will send you a complete report.


Speaking French to work and live in Canada

There are several immigration programs that encourage the use of French in Canada. One of the routes to permanent residency through the economic route is the Mobilité Francophone (Francophone Mobility) program, which encourages Francophone immigration outside Quebec.

Planeta Immiland offers the French course for the economic mobility program to people who already speak French at a conversational level (CLB 5) and wish to gain work experience in the country. This level is the level required by workers to meet the LMIA requirement when applying for a closed work permit, so do not hesitate to learn more of this beautiful language and apply it in your day to day work.

That's as far as I'll take it for today. Thank you for reading. Remember that reaching the CLB5 level is possible and it is highly recommended to certify your level in a formal way through a TCF or TEF test in order to complete your immigration process.


If you liked this topic. Share it with others interested in learning French, see you in the next blog!

With love,

Planet Immiland

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