Writing an e-mail in English: how to make it look professional?

Jun 05, 2024

Written by Gabriela Estrada


Companies and professionals of this global era usually connect with their clients and/or employees, colleagues and institutions in a massive way through e-mails that many times need to be written in English. This communication tool also becomes a corporate image and, since it reaches a large number of recipients, it is very important to take care of the way it is presented, so the wording and visual structure of the message must be at the level of a true professional, from beginning to end, so that it is understood and pleasant to read. A poorly written or visually cluttered mail generates a bad impression and if it is written in a language unfamiliar to most people, it will go unnoticed. 

Therefore, we have developed this article from Planet Immiland that will enlighten you on how to write an email in English so that it looks professional and interesting. Join me in this reading on how to write a professional English email and its benefits when looking for a job, getting a raise, attracting clients or simply communicating a message of interest that will not go unnoticed.


What should be taken into account when preparing a professional mailing in English?

First of all, the structure of the text to be written must be known. For an e-mail, this is divided into: subject, greeting, introduction, body of the e-mail, closing and signature.


  • Subject line: This introduces what the email is about in a short, precise sentence. English is a direct and simple language by itself, so you can start with the key word that summarizes the reason for your text. For example:


  • Request for quote.
  • Shareholders' meeting.



  • Greeting: in order for the greeting to be professional, the formality of the words must be taken care of. It is important to distinguish whether or not the addressee is known because the way of initiating the contact will depend on it. For example:
  • You can use a Dear Josh Harris (Dear Josh Harris), more not use the colloquial greeting Hello (Hi or hello), this style is completely informal and can be taken as a careless and abusive approach.
  • If you do not know the recipient's name, it is equally important to maintain formality and respect. In this case, you would put Dear sir or madam (Dear sir or madam).


  • Introduction: Refers to your personal introduction indicating name and origin. For example:


  • Laura Blumfrom Magic Company is writing to you regarding... (Laura Blum from Magic Company is writing to you regarding...).



  • Mail body: Refers to the message to be communicated. It must present:
  • Careful English without contractions that denote laziness in writing or too much haste. 
  • A concise explanation, using clear, direct language and impeccable writing and spelling. 
  • Separation of the text into paragraphs that allow a visualization that makes it easy to read.
  • Use of formal connectors such as: therefore (therefore), as a result (as a result), among others.


  • Closing: this part demonstrates a conclusion with the indications or requests that you want to convey. Next:
  • It is possible to write: Thank you in advance for your attention (thanks in advance).
  • A formal farewell is made as: Kind regards (Kind regards).



  • Signature: this can start with:


  • Sincerely (Sincerely) and immediately include your full name, contact information, job title and important links. Remember that the message is intended to generate a response, so your contact information is very important.


Why is it important to take care of the written English in a professional e-mail?

In Canada, proficiency in the official language is very important; employers in this country appreciate the formal and structured English writing skills demonstrated by their workers or potential candidates for a position in the company, so they are often considered for hiring, higher-level roles and even expanding their tasks to new and interesting environments. 

Writing an e-mail in English requires the use of good spelling and writing, visual presentation of the text, synthesis capacity for a clear and simple message. All this is important because it facilitates reading and generates:

  • A positive impression of the sender.
  • Greater receptivity of the message.
  • Opportunities for growth within the company. 
  • Intellectual distinction in the way of approaching communication. 
  • Confidence to establish good business relationships. 
  • Among others.


So far we have shared these simple but key guidelines on how to write a professional email in English; of course there are more formal English expressions and these should be learned to further enrich your vocabulary. At our language school, Planeta Immiland, we have bilingual and native teachers who understand the guidelines required by employers in Canada and can help you acquire formal English within the company. 

Learn about our English courses and select the one that best suits your recommended level according to the free free evaluation test free assessment test. If you have any questions about costs, starting dates, migration approach or any other, you may contact us here and we will be happy to help you.


With love,

Planet Immiland

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