10 tips to improve your job interview in English

Jan 25, 2024

 Written by Yvanna Sol


Job interviews in English can be challenging, but with proper preparation and practice, the applicant can increase his chances of success, as it is the best way to make himself understood and to describe his skills, his goals and what he can bring to the company, after all, in the job interview the job applicant makes a sort of "sale" of his professional image and what he wants most at that moment is to convince his interviewer, otherwise he would not have gotten where he is. However, in order to do so, he must show that he is fluent in English at a professional level. In this Planeta Immiland article, we present 10 key tips that will help you improve your English so that you can have a good job interview in English. Here we go!



  • Research important company data


Before the interview, take the time to find out detailed information about the company. Read their mission statement so you can understand and absorb it, as well as their values, culture and products or services. The more information you have, the better you will be able to answer questions and demonstrate your genuine interest in the company. Remember that you will be speaking in English, so practice the names very well and focus on those that may be difficult or require complex pronunciation, and there are many new professions and jobs these days, so be sure to find out what they are in detail.



  • Practice common questions


Be prepared to answer common interview questions in English, such as: "Tell me about yourself.Tell me about yourselfTell me about yourself" or "Why do you want to work here?Why do you want to work hereWhy do you want to work here? Practice your answers ahead of time to gain confidence. Remember that at that moment you may feel a bit of tension due to the fact that you want to please or give the best of yourself, that is why you should practice your answers so that you give them with confidence and, of course, with a good command of professional English.



  • Prepare examples


Prepare concrete examples of your work experience and achievements so that you can verbally demonstrate that you are clear about your skills and abilities. For this purpose, Planeta Immiland recommends the use of the STAR format ("S" for situation, "T" for task, "A" for action and "R" for result), which is very useful for structuring your answers. Below, we explain a bit about this method because when you apply it you will realize that second language proficiency will be crucial and you may need to learn some new English phrases or words.Ā 

Situation: here you will describe a professional situation you have been in so that you can demonstrate that you possess a certain quality or skill.

Task: here you will clearly define your tasks and objectives in relation to the situation described, mentioning your responsibilities in the position.

Action: here you will explain in more detail all the actions you implemented to complete that task or, what is the same, how you did to achieve your goal.

Results: here you should present the results you obtained, it is recommended that you include important figures.

As you can see, this method will help you a lot to work on your English, and for sure your interview will have a better professional level.



  • Master the content of your resume


Practice speaking English while you are at home so that when the day of the interview arrives you will be able to speak fluently about your work and education experience. Keep in mind that your interviewer may ask you specific questions about your resume, so read it several times, check what you wrote so you are sure about the functions, time of work and companies you worked for, in short, know your resume in detail and describe it several times in oral, read and written English before you are interviewed.



  • Practice pronunciation


Work on your pronunciation and intonation. Clarity of message and proper pronunciation of each word are key in a professional interview in English. If possible, practice with native or bilingual English speakers and take pronunciation classes. At Planeta Immiland, we offer courses at different levels, according to your needs, and in small groups of 10 students; we will give you the link at the end of the article.



  • Prepare questions for the interviewer


Show your interest by preparing intelligent questions that make sense to the interviewer. For example, ask about the work team, development opportunities and how your role fits with the company's objectives. At this point, we pause to remind you that a professional manner should be both cordial and respectful, using English vocabulary that is truly professional, so study very well the formal expressions of the English language in the work context so that you do not ruin your interview with phrases or words of little linguistic value.Ā 



  • Work on your listening skills


Effective communication involves active listening, otherwise how can you know what specific area or context they are talking about? So make sure you fully understand the interviewer's questions before answering. At our English language academy, we provide level-specific classes to address precisely the English responses to different questions, but daily listening in English is essential, only then will you have the oral environment you need to listen several times to the pronunciation of English words and phrases and how to respond. It also works to listen to podcasts and radio interviews in English, in the end you will realize that you have sharpened your listening skills to understand. Oh, and during your interview, feel relaxed and calm if you didn't quite understand a question in English, you can ask for clarification if necessary. This last brings us to the next tip!



  • Control your nerves


It is normal to feel nervous before and during an interview, and even more so when you speak a second language such as English, but don't worry, this is a sign that you care about your performance and want to do well, or rather, very well, so practice stress management techniques, don't hesitate to seek help on how to do deep breathing to keep calm. Emotional preparation also helps reduce anxiety.



  • Use professional vocabulary


Use professional vocabulary and avoid unnecessary jargon. Practice terminology specific to your industry if it is relevant to the job.



  • Record your internships


Record your interview practice in English. Listening to yourself will help you identify areas for improvement such as pronunciation, fluency and clarity in your answers.



  • Ā Request feedback


Solicit feedback from native English speakers or professionals who have experience interviewing in English. Their comments will help you hone your skills.


So far we share these tips, we hope they will be of great help to you and that you will tell us about your experience after having the desired success in your new job. Remember that constant practice is key to improve and the more you do it, the more confidence you will gain when you have your job interview in English.Ā 

We invite you to explore our English and French academy, Planet Immilandto learn more about our courses y methodology.

With love,

Planet Immiland

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