

Planeta Immiland Education, our new learning platform!

The first step to cross 

the barrier of language

This dream, which has now become a reality, has been born from the vision of a couple of migrants, such as the CEO of Immiland Canada and Planeta Juan. Eddy Ramirez,CEO of Immiland Canada, andPlaneta Juan, who in their own paths also went through the same moment in which you find yourself right now, to finally master a second language that allows you to open doors that for many years have remained closed. This is why they have joined forces with you to build this learning community that will allow us to grow together and finally cross the language barrier.



To accompany and support our clients in the wonderful and challenging process of learning a new language, through efficient and interactive education that allows each of them to reach their maximum potential to achieve their goal.



To lead the field of language education through virtual tools in order to achieve the greatest possible reach to the student population that wishes to learn from a recognised, serious and reliable team; with the clear objective of breaking down the cultural barriers created by the different languages.